LoRoPr like a super digital intelligent carrier pigeon with lasers

16 Aug

While Laurie was off enjoying Sappy on the long weekend, I was dog sitting and enjoying what Halifax had to offer. That included the sweet Natal Day concert at Alderney Landing on Saturday. Sweet free good times are the best – especially when it’s ridiculously talented locals like Rich Aucoin, Wintersleep, Alert the Medic & the Stogies. I enjoyed everyone, but man, I flipping loved Rich Aucoin, per usual. Your body just moves to his music – you can’t help it. His shows are so much fun – he gives so much to the crowd and wants us all to have a magical time. He brought out a surfboard at one point and literally surfed the crowd! So much fun. I was pretty pumped to see in his intro that he shouted out LoRoPR in a way only Rich Aucoin could. LB & I get pretty excited at stuff like this – so to lil’ ol’ us this is awesome. Such nerds. Thanks for the love, Rich! Here is the intro from his show that night, it’s grand.

“LoRoPr like a super digital intelligent carrier pigeon with lasers”



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